source: etherws/tags/release-0.1/README.rst @ 142

Revision 142, 1.6 KB checked in by atzm, 12 years ago (diff)
  • add tag release-0.1
  • Property svn:keywords set to Id


etherws is an implementation of Ethernet over WebSocket tunnel based on Linux Universal TUN/TAP device driver.


For example, if you want to make virtual ethernet link for VM1 and VM2 whose hypervisor's broadcast domains were split by router R:

+------------------+            +------------------+
| Hypervisor1      |            |      Hypervisor2 |
|  +-----+         |            |         +-----+  |
|  | VM1 |         |            |         | VM2 |  |
|  +--+--+         |            |         +--+--+  |
|     | (vnet0)    |            |    (vnet0) |     |
|  +--+--+         |            |         +--+--+  |
|  | br0 |         |            |         | br0 |  |
|  +--+--+         |            |         +--+--+  |
|     |            |            |            |     |
| (ethws0)  (eth0) |            | (eth0)  (ethws0) |
+----||--------+---+            +----+-------||----+
     ||        |        +---+        |       ||
     ||   -----+--------| R |--------+-----  ||
     ||                 +---+                ||
     ||                                      ||
          (Ethernet over WebSocket tunnel)

then you can type following commands.

on Hypervisor1:

# etherws server
# brctl addbr br0
# brctl addif br0 vnet0
# brctl addif br0 ethws0
# ifconfig br0 up

on Hypervisor2:

# etherws client --uri ws://<Hypervisor1's IP address>/
# brctl addbr br0
# brctl addif br0 vnet0
# brctl addif br0 ethws0
# ifconfig br0 up


0.1 (2012-05-15)
  • First release
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