/* -*- coding: utf-8 -*- * * Copyright (C) 2010 by Atzm WATANABE * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as * published by the Free Software Foundation. It is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * $Id$ * */ System = { "screen": { "canvas": null, "ctx": null, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "message": null, "boss": null, "player": null, "backgroundObject": new Array(), "mainIntervalId": 0 }; /* * Utility Functions */ function updateBackground(ctx, width, height, size, color, max) { if (System.backgroundObject.length < max) { var x = Math.ceil(Math.random() * width); var s = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 5); System.backgroundObject.push( new LinerBullet(size, color, x, 0, 0.5 * Math.PI, s)); } var newObjs = new Array(); for (i = 0; i < System.backgroundObject.length; i++) { System.backgroundObject[i].next(); System.backgroundObject[i].draw(ctx); if (!System.backgroundObject[i].vanished(width, height)) newObjs.push(System.backgroundObject[i]); } System.backgroundObject = newObjs; } function drawScreen(ctx, op, style, width, height) { var c = ctx.globalCompositeOperation; ctx.globalCompositeOperation = op; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.fillStyle = style; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); ctx.fill(); ctx.closePath(); ctx.globalCompositeOperation = c; } function drawLifeGauge(ctx, op, trooper, x, y, width) { var length = trooper.life; if (length > width - 20) length = width - 20; var c = ctx.globalCompositeOperation; ctx.globalCompositeOperation = op; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.fillStyle = trooper.color; ctx.fillRect(x, y, length, 10); ctx.fill(); ctx.closePath(); ctx.globalCompositeOperation = c; drawString(ctx, op, trooper.life, x + 2, y + 8, trooper.color, "6pt monospace", "left"); } function drawString(ctx, op, string, x, y, color, font, align) { var a = ctx.textAlign; var f = ctx.font; var c = ctx.globalCompositeOperation; ctx.globalCompositeOperation = op; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.textAlign = align; ctx.fillStyle = color; ctx.font = font; ctx.fillText(string, x, y); ctx.fill(); ctx.textAlign = a; ctx.font = f; ctx.closePath(); ctx.globalCompositeOperation = c; } function setMessage(elem, msg) { if (elem) elem.innerHTML = msg; } function addMessage(elem, msg) { if (elem) elem.innerHTML += msg; } /* * Main loop */ function mainLoop() { // clear screen drawScreen( System.screen.ctx, "source-over", "rgba(8,8,8,0.5)", System.screen.width, System.screen.height ); // update background objects updateBackground( System.screen.ctx, System.screen.width, System.screen.height, 1, "#CAF", 10 ); // update troopers System.player.update(System.boss); System.boss.update(System.player); // draw troopers System.player.draw(System.screen.ctx); System.boss.draw(System.screen.ctx); // draw player name/life drawString( System.screen.ctx, "source-over", System.player.name, 10, System.screen.height - 25, "#ACF", "9pt monospace", "left" ); drawLifeGauge( System.screen.ctx, "lighter", System.player, 10, System.screen.height - 20, System.screen.width ); // draw boss name/life drawString( System.screen.ctx, "source-over", System.boss.name, 10, 35, "#FCA", "9pt monospace", "left" ); drawLifeGauge( System.screen.ctx, "lighter", System.boss, 10, 10, System.screen.width ); // is dead? if (System.player.isDead()) { drawString( System.screen.ctx, "source-over", "YOU LOST", System.screen.width / 2, System.screen.height / 2, "#FCA", "24pt monospace", "center" ); clearInterval(System.mainIntervalId); System.mainIntervalId = 0; } if (System.boss.isDead()) { drawString( System.screen.ctx, "source-over", "YOU WON", System.screen.width / 2, System.screen.height / 2, "#ACF", "24pt monospace", "center" ); clearInterval(System.mainIntervalId); System.mainIntervalId = 0; } } /* * Initializer */ function initGame(canvas, msg, bossId, bossData, playerData) { System.screen.canvas = canvas; System.message = msg; System.screen.ctx = System.screen.canvas.getContext("2d"); System.screen.width = System.screen.canvas.width; System.screen.height = System.screen.canvas.height; System.screen.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter"; if (System.mainIntervalId) { clearInterval(System.mainIntervalId); System.mainIntervalId = 0; } drawScreen( System.screen.ctx, "source-over", "rgba(0,0,0,1)", System.screen.width, System.screen.height ); System.player = new Trooper( playerData.name, new ActionList([new ManualAction(new ManualShot())]), playerData.size, "#33F", System.screen.width / 2, System.screen.height - System.screen.height / 7, System.screen.width, System.screen.height, playerData.hitpoint, playerData.speed, [new LinerBarrage(YExtendBullet, playerData.shotsize, "#3FF", playerData.shotinterval, playerData.shotspeed, playerData.shotlevel, -0.5), new LinerBarrage(YExtendBullet, playerData.shotsize, "#3FF", playerData.shotinterval, playerData.shotspeed, playerData.shotlevel, 0.5), new CircularBarrage(LinerBullet, playerData.shotsize, "#3FF", playerData.shotinterval, playerData.shotspeed, playerData.shotlevel + 2, -0.5)] ); var actList = EnemyActionLists[bossData.mtime % EnemyActionLists.length]; var shot = EnemyShots[bossData.hitpoint % EnemyShots.length]; var numAct = bossData.agility % (EnemyActions.length - 1) + 1; var numBlt = bossData.skills.length % (EnemyBullets.length - 1) + 1; var numBrrg = bossData.skills.length % (EnemyBarrages.length - 1) + 1; var acts = new Array(); var brrgs = new Array(); setMessage(System.message, "ActionsIdx:"); for (i = 0; i < numAct; i++) { var idx = (bossData.agility + i) % EnemyActions.length; acts.push(new EnemyActions[idx](new shot())); addMessage(System.message, String(idx) + ","); } addMessage(System.message, "
"); for (i = 0; i < numBrrg; i++) { var idx = (bossData.skills.length + i) % EnemyBarrages.length; var brrgCls = EnemyBarrages[idx]; addMessage(System.message, "BarragesIdx:" + String(idx) + " / BulletsIdx:"); for (k = 0; k < numBlt; k++) { var iidx = (bossData.skills.length + i + k) % EnemyBullets.length; var ss = Math.ceil(bossData.luck / 3); brrgs.push( new brrgCls( EnemyBullets[iidx], ss < 3 ? 3 : ss, "#FF3", 200 * 1 / Math.log(bossData.skillpoint + 0.1), Math.log(bossData.strength / 15 + 0.1), Math.ceil(bossData.concentration / 5) ) ); addMessage(System.message, String(iidx) + ","); } addMessage(System.message, "
"); } System.boss = new Trooper( bossData.name, new actList(acts), Math.ceil(50 * (1 / bossData.defense)), "#F33", System.screen.width / 2, System.screen.height / 7, System.screen.width, System.screen.height, bossData.hitpoint, Math.log(bossData.agility + 0.1) * 3, brrgs ); System.backgroundObject = new Array(); System.mainIntervalId = setInterval(mainLoop, 20); }